
Body hair transplant to head is Highly Succesful!

Body hair transplant to head

Body hair transplant or “BHT” is a type of FUE hair transplant where beard area, chest area, abdomen area etc (anything except scalp hairs) are taken for coverage of the bald area. Contrary to the popular belief, body hair transplant success rate is astounding. In recent years, body hairs are serving as additional source of the hairs, especially in the people who have a very limited area of permanent donor hair on the back of the scalp. When we use the hairs from the sites other than the scalp for coverage of the bald scalp, it is called body hair transplant. Most common site for the body hair extraction is the beard area; second most common is the chest area. As such many different body hairs could be utilised for the purpose of obtaining hairs.

Body hair transplant is the never a first choice for hair transplant. It is always advised when the scalp donor hair in the back of the scalp are scanty and thin (in other words poor supply and low numbers). Beard hairs grow best over the scalp and are also permanent. However, chest hairs tend to grow very slowly for a year or so. Then they match up with the speed of scalp hair.
Transplant body hairs over the head is not easy though. It is technically more demanding and requires long training. Very few centres can provide consistent results by body hair transplant. Body hair transplant is expensive and time consuming than routine hair transplant. Body hair transplant cost is generally double the cost of routine FUE hair Transplant. Therefore it is used only when no option is available.
But do body hair grow over the scalp?
Body hair do grow over the scalp and are permanent too. They can look a little different than the scalp hair. Body hair, except for the beard hairs, have short growth cycles as compared to the scalp hairs. Therefore they can grown only up to certain length. This is the reason we never use body hair alone in a case of hair transplant. These hairs are generally mixed with the scalp hairs to blend in when the final growth of all the hair occurs.

Who is a good candidate for body hair transplant?

  • If your scalp donor hair supply is less than adequate, then BHT is utilized especially beard hair.
  • Beard hair, chest hair and abdomen hair follicles should be long and thick.

At Nuleaf Hair Transplant Centre, we have been providing consistent results with body hair transplant in Pune for number of years now.

If beard area is harvested, wont than leave marks there?
  • They may, but in most cases they wont, the risk is quiet low.
  • Also, in examination, propensity of every patient to develop these dots (marks where the hair graft is extracted) is analysed. If the risk is very low, then only we suggest doing a beard or chest area harvesting session.
  • Normally harvesting is done only from the lower neck region, also called a “shadow area” of the face. So not much will be seen anyways.