Follicular Unit Transplantation or the ‘Strip’ method of hair transplantation is the one where strip of skin from the back of the scalp is removed. This strip is then further divided into smaller follicular units which are then planted on the bald patches of the scalp. The back of scalp is then sutured by the surgeon.

Many patients are reluctant to do this method of hair transplantation as many fear the stitches which are placed in the back of the scalp. However in expert hands FUT is a excellent method of obtaining grafts. The quality of FUT grafts is generally better than FUE grafts. However because of advent of newer advances in the graft storage solutions and many other FUE techniques, no such difference exists. Furthermore, patients can wear their hair short if they do FUE, as in FUE unlike the FUT, there will be no linear scar seen on the back of the scalp. If the surgeon performing strip surgery is not an expert, the patient may land having a really ugly linear scar on the back of the head.

In Nuleaf Hair Transplant Centre, FUT is performed on the patients who are not good candidates for FUE hair transplant procedures. However, majority of our hair transplants are FUE hair transplants.