Doing hair transplant in India is cheap, and will give you high quality. But how do you prepare yourself before a hair transplant?
To really prepare before your hair transplant, you should know the following important thing about where things are in this field. Hair Transplant is a very successful procedure when done in good hands. As such there is no shortage of excellent hair transplant surgeons in India. So when you choose a hair transplant centre in India, more likely than not, you will get a good result. You can get your hair transplant done in India with a reputable hair transplant centre and get excellent results at considerably low cost, while maintaining the same quality.

Quality of Hair Transplant in India is high, but you should also know the following:
Since hair transplant in India is a completely unregulated field there is also no shortage of people who are unskilled, sometimes lacking proper qualifications who do hair transplant surgery. Many technicians who don’t possess a medical degree, resign from the centre they are working with and start their own centres without any medical supervision. What is the selling point, you may ask? Extremely cheap procedure (but extremely poor in quality, and without any safety precautions).
So what care should be taken before you choose a hair transplant centre in India?
To prepare before a hair transplant, you should follow the checklist that we have devised:
- Check the surgeons degree. He/she should ideally be MBBS and a post graduate. Most common hair transplant surgeons are post graduates in Dermatology and Plastic surgery for their greater knowledge in the skin and hair region.
- Check the centre itself before making the decision.
- Check online reviews. However it is very common to get fake positive reviews by marketing companies. Genuine reviews also explain their time spent in the clinic rather than just giving a full star. Also true review of any centre always have a balanced reviews. Good centre might have some negative reviews too. A centre having all positive reviews and not a single negative one, should arouse suspicion whether it was truly given by the patient or a marketing company. Of course there might be exceptions to this.
- Check the quality of pre and post photos of the patients on the clinic’s official website. They should have clinic’s logo watermarked on them and results should be satisfying to you. As you will likely get the similar outcome.
- Meet the hair transplant surgeon in person. Know the depth of knowledge and his/her approach towards your procedure. See how much time he/she is giving you.
- Check whether you are rushed into doing a procedure, by adding discount, giving freebies, on table discounts if you do procedure immediately. All such marketing strategies are not done by good reputable centres.
Of course there are more things that above fo check. But this will get you started.
More about our hair transplant surgeon, see here.
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